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Under the Dome

Being Trapped in Your Comfort Zone:

Under the Dome and Equality

By Zeynep Nehir Günal 

DVD Box Set cover

Under the Dome is a science fiction drama TV series (2013-2015) created by Jack Bender, adapted from Stephen King’s novel of the same name. The series delves into the aftermath of the residents of Chester’s Mill finding themselves inexplicably trapped under a mysterious dome, isolated from the outside world. As they navigate their new reality, conflicts arise, and the inhabitants are compelled to confront their beliefs and examine their values.

The town’s inhabitants find themselves confined within their once-familiar boundaries, unable to leave their comfort zone. The awareness of being trapped alters the dynamics within the community, leading to power struggles and the rise of individuals vying for supremacy. Political, economic, and social power plays ensue. Big Jim Rennie and his supporters exert their authority over the residents, manipulating and controlling them, leaving the community powerless in comparison. However, the issue extends beyond Big Jim Rennie’s dominance.

Economically, the residents are also trapped. Access to essential resources such as food, water, and electricity becomes a matter of wealth and privilege. Those with means enjoy easier access, while others must fight and struggle for their share. The presence of social hierarchies, particularly related to race and class, becomes more pronounced. Some individuals in positions of power, like Big Jim Rennie, exhibit hostility and suspicion towards those they perceive as different. His son, Rennie Junior, even goes as far as imprisoning his girlfriend in a basement out of distrust. Such attitudes fuel conflicts, forcing people to confront their biases for the sake of survival.

The underlying question arises: are these biases socially constructed or inherent in human nature? While scarcity of resources naturally leads to a struggle for survival, should the recognition of our shared humanity not override discrimination? The dome acts as a magnifier for the hunger for power. Although it is an inherent human urge to fight for survival, it is crucial to remember that the residents of Chester’s Mill are all under the same dome, regardless of their occupations. They face the same conditions and must find a way to coexist within the confines of the dome.

The TV series Under the Dome serves as a reflection of real-world problems, shedding light on how power dynamics can profoundly impact people’s lives. It serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of recognizing and addressing these issues within our own communities and daily lives.